Eye Level - the most commonly used angle in a film, as it represents the height and vision of the human eye. It allows to replicate the view point we experience in real life, so it helps to create film that looks real.
High Angle - camera is position above the actor and angeled down toward the actor. It creates an effect of a subject who appears insignificant.
Low Angle - camera is positioned below the actor and angled up towards the actor. Opposite of the High Angle shot, to create a sense of a subject with power.
Undershot - camera is placed right below the spot where the action will be taking place, takes the audience into the action, such as an actor climbing a mountain.
Undershot - camera is placed above the actor as they are performing an action, creates a sense of powerlessness.
Dutch Tilt - camera is usually positioned at roughly 45 degree angle, but can be at other angles. Creates a sense of uneasiness to amplify the feeling of distress.

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